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Loca Credibilia

The technologies will be applied in Loca Credibilia are the results of R&D projects carried out by our company between:

- Development of a global SaaS for a highly secured consumer response system (granted by the Hungarian National Development Office, under the work program KMOP-1.1.1)
- Development of the Attestation DataNet Service (ADNS) (granted by the Hungarian National Development Office, under the work program GOP-1.3.1/A)
- Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme of the European Union under grant agreement No 684849 to elaborate a proof of concept 2012.
- Seal of Excellence from the European Commission for the Horizon 2020 research and innovation project proposal "Data and document integrity for services provided through critical information infrastructure" 2014 - 2017.
- Development the Loca Credibilia prototype for authentic document delivery the National Széchényi Library, Hungary, granted by the Hungarian Government.
- Both ADNS and Loca Credibilia solutions are protected by Hungarian and international standards.

⇽ Vissza

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